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Extreme Weather Events

Over the past decade, California has become more prone to weather extremes, including increased frequency and severity of heat waves, droughts, and wildfires. How have these weather extremes affected the work, health, and safety of agricultural employers and farmworkers?

Investigacion de Accidentes, Lesiones y Enfermedades

La prevención de lesiones, enfermedades y exposición dañina antes de que ocurran es un objetivo importante en el lugar de trabajo. Sin embargo, cuando ocurren accidentes o “casi accidentes”, brindan una buena oportunidad para identificar problemas de salud y seguridad y enfocarse en los esfuerzos de prevención.

Recordando el 2019

Felices Días Festivos & Gracias a Todos por un Maravilloso 2019

Evaluación de Riesgos y Inspección

Al crear un IIPP, debe de existir un sistema para todos los sitios de trabajo que evalué periódicamente el entorno de trabajo en busca de riesgos para la salud y la seguridad que puedan causar lesiones y enfermedades.

Research Highlight

Agricultural workers experience high rates of stress-related psychiatric conditions and one of the highest suicide rates of any industry and yet the stressors and mental health of this population are not well understood.

Asignación de Responsabilidades del IIPP

Antes de desarrollar su Programa de Prevención de Lesiones y Enfermedades (IIPP), es necesario identificar a la(s) persona(s) que administraran el programa de seguridad, así como establecer roles y tareas.

Perspectives on the Proposed Emergency Wildfire Regulation

During the May 8 advisory meeting of the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) on Petition 573, the proposed emergency regulation to protect outdoor workers from wildfire smoke, perspectives from community members, organizations, and academic scientists were heard regarding the proposed emergency standard. 

Protecting Human Health in a Changing Climate

As extreme weather events occur more frequently and increase in severity each year, WCAHS is proud to welcome investigator, Kathryn (Katie) Conlon, PhD, and her research expertise related to adaptation strategies to protect human health in a changing climate.

Transformations within Yolo County Agriculture

As a former small-scale, diversified farmer (e.g., flowers, vegetables) and goat dairy manager, my deep-rooted agricultural background informs my research as an epidemiology PhD candidate at the University of California, Davis. My dissertation focuses on evaluating the risk of disease transmission in the wildlife-livestock-human interface.