Education and outreach specialists provide interactive trainings in English and Spanish on:
Outreach and communications staff create practical
resources based on regulations and safety best practices
for employers, community-based organizations, and farmworkers.

Educational Materials
Download free, bilingual educational materials on topics such as heat illness prevention, COVID-19, wildfire smoke exposure, sexual harassment prevention, and more.

Top 3 Ways to Identify Hazards in the Workplace
While there are various methods to identify hazards in the workplace, these three will help you begin the process of creating an effective IIPP.

How To Know You're Well Hydrated
Here are our suggestions for how much water you should be drinking and two simple ways to know if you are drinking enough.

Underlying Causes of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses
Many individuals might think that workplace injuries and illnesses happen because workers make mistakes and are careless. However, multiple factors contribute to accidents in the workplace.

California Night Work Regulation Approved
Learn more about the Cal/OSHA standard to improve field lighting and worker visibility for agricultural field operations taking place between sunset and sunrise.